Self-Pity is Fine Sometimes

I’ve been going through old writings, and plan to share a few of those that jump out at me. Either through choice of words or power of its convictions, these writings are some that I really love. I truly believe that I have written better before than I do now… mainly because I have neglected the practice of writing on a regular basis–despite my promises to continue.

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I Never Had a Best Friend


That’s right. I never had a best friend. Don’t take this as a plea for help, or attention, or solicitation. I do not need anyone’s pity, nor am I taking applications for a best friend. I am just stating a fact: I simply never had ONE best friend.

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I remember those days
Of catching grasshoppers
And picking clovers
And tossing the ball
Till the sun hides at the horizon

And the neighborhood streets
Glow in dusk dark blue
And our skin glistens
With sweat, dirt, grass,
And scraped shins of the day
As the fireflies parade their
Stuttering light-show
Strobing around the backyard
Like tiny comets while
The call of the cicadas
Serenades us.

Your hand reaches for mine.
There’s a warm breeze.

You show me the dry shedded skin
Of the cicada nymph
That you found still attached to the
Side of the neighbor’s house.

I didn’t think I remembered.
But I do.

You’re still with me.

What’s in a Nombre?


As a child, I always wanted a middle name. Anthony. Alex. David, maybe. Or even Jose. There was something mysterious or beautiful to me about having two first names (or rather a first name and a middle name). Alas, I always felt stuck with a name that sounded boring to me, that is… like the taste of an unsalted, stale cracker.

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Remembering Mom

Wedding portrait of Maricela A. Garcia.

Wedding portrait of Maricela A. Garcia in the living room.

My mother passed away in 1999. March 5 is her birthday. Although growing up, birthdays were not a big deal in our family, I share this post as a tribute to her memory. She visits me in dreams every so often. Lately, less so. As such, I write this recurring memory I have of my mother, albeit a nostalgic sentimental recollection. There is much more to this woman than what little is written here; she has inspired us — her children — to reach for the stars, to adhere to a strong work ethic, and to be kind with a heart full of love for everyone around us. I love you, Mom.

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