Goals or Resolutions or To Dos for 2014

The guys of Guys and Dolls. Photo credit Siggi Ragnar 2013.

The guys of Guys and Dolls. Photo credit Siggi Ragnar 2013.

On December 22, 2013, we closed Guys and Dolls at The Playhouse. This is the fourth back-to-back show I do in the San Antonio community theaters, after In the Heights, Monty Python’s Spamalot, and The Rocky Horror Show. (My dance partner-in-crime, with whom I have done those four shows, is the incomparable Courtnie Mercer.)

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Experiences in Threes

Are experiences divided in three?

Some time ago it occurred to me that experiences are generally divided in threes: the creator, the participant, and the viewer. This may seem simplistic, but at a basic function, most of us fit into one or more of these areas throughout our day… and definitely throughout our lifetime.

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Bucket List 2010

yellowbucket from http://media.photobucket.com/image/bucket/sio398/yellowbucket.png?o=1

“What’s on your bucket list?” asked a close friend of mine during lunch one day.

I must have had a confused gleam in my eye because, after about three seconds, she clarified. “Name three things you want to accomplish before you die… or by the end of 2010! A bucket list is supposed to be items to do before you die, but we are young so let’s not wait until we’re old to accomplish those things. So… what are three things you want to do by the end of 2010?”

I needed some time to think about it.

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